Robotics programme modules

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Semesters 1 – 4

Applied robotics

Applied robotics include workshops on the development and application of robots, laboratory experiments and induction to software tools.

True to the motto 'Learning by Doing', theoretical teaching content is consolidated through practical application.

Foundational lectures

The basic studies component of the bachelor's degree programme includes foundational lectures from the engineering sciences, computer science and mathematics. These form the foundation and the necessary knowledge base for subsequent lectures in robotics.

Lectures are accompanied by practicals, where theoretical knowledge is applied to practice-based problems. For some lectures, tutorials are also offered. These serve as learning support and help with exam preparation.

Core elective module I

Core elective modules deal with specific areas of robotics, from which students can make a selection depending on their interests or career preferences. For the basic studies component, they include:

  • Mechatronic systems simulation
  • Development processes and legal frameworks

Semester 5

Internship module

During the internship module, students take on the role of robotics engineers and gain initial professional experience in companies with an interest in robotics. These internships provide an insight into working life and internal company processes. Many students use this opportunity to establish contacts regarding their bachelor's thesis and their future entry into the labour market.

Semesters 6 + 7

Specialisation modules

In semesters 6 and 7, students can select from three different specialisations according to their interests:

  • Industrial robotics
  • Mobile robotics
  • Humanoid and service robotics

Values Seminar

The Values Seminar deals with potential value conflicts that can arise from the deployment of robots. These include, for example, competition between human and robotic workforces, and the use of robots in exercising sovereign powers. In addition, ethical aspects relating to the topic of 'artificial' intelligence (AI) are also addressed.

Core elective module II

Core elective modules deal with specific areas of robotics, from which students can make a selection depending on their interests or career preferences. Core elective modules include, among others:

  • 3D machine vision
  • Deep learning
  • Robot programming
  • Advanced robot kinematics

Business development and start-up

The field of robotics offers great potential for innovation. The ‘Business development and start-up’ module shows students how they can use this potential and realise their idea through a specific product or a start-up business.

Bachelor's Thesis